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How to “Trump” your way to an interview in Dubai 

How to “Trump” your way to an interview in Dubai 



I was obviously pushed by a couple of friends to restart my life enlightening experience in Dubai through my blog “ Dubai here I come” . Looking for my next job at the moment, I thought why not?..I will let you in on that in another blog post and keep the curious minds coming back.  


Looking for a job in Dubai is fun ..there are as many job openings as there are skyscrapers in the city with as many applicants as the number of Bicycles in Beijing  (9 million according to Katie Melua)…People allured by tax-free , bold and beautiful , bling bling .. I’m not denying this, but leading this path can crazily and easily drain your fancy salary. There are ways to save of course (I’ll talk about this may be in the future) 


So to get back to the core of my subject or how to land yourself an interview / a job in this city à la Trump way ?? (not to get me wrong I’m not a fan of the persona) . However, I got so inspired by the man that I thought of upgrading my resume to apply for a CEO position with my background in research.Why not ?! I have the knowledge what is the barrier exactly??? (kidding)


Number one lesson .. as my doctor once told me when I got pregnant “when you go out of this room, you close your ears to what other people will tell you” ..What I’m saying here is this, close your ears to all the negative thought out there ..the market is down ( SH… BY THE WAY ITS DOWN BIG TIME)..you are not qualified enough ( TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP) …you don't have the experience on the market ( DOES THE GUY EVEN KNOW WHERE SYRIA IS ?!)…I’m Muslim and I’m wearing a scarf ( GOD BLESS THE UAE !!)  


The second lesson ..be bold as TRUMP !! I’m not saying bullshit …all I’m saying is think about your past experience and emphasize it ..Shoot stories…and when all your competitors are focusing on “ I’m a detail-oriented individual with excellent effective communication skills with mind boggling experience in growing businesses”  (if you don't know what I’m talking about open any Linked in profile and you will know for sure , I bet mine as well still have these!!) Take another tangent and give examples of your mind-boggling experiences. 



Third lesson : Diversify !! Look at the Donald ..the man is a freaking real estate investor and he decided to jump to president ..who said we can only work in the field we once worked in? look at other areas that you like and give them a try. Also, give me a break don't look only for your super duper passion, look for all your tiny  interests.   


So Trump it up and let me know how it goes !!


Dearly yours 

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